Frenetic Frantic Fa La La Land
What I want to write about, I can't let out just yet. So maybe, I will just paint a picture. First, we can just automatically include all the unfun, disquieting experiences of adulthood. The bills, the jobs, the bills, having no money, the chores, house maintenance. Getting up early, morning traffic, co-workers, bosses, paycheck deductibles, taxes, afternoon traffic. (or for those that have to work non-traditional shifts; different times getting up and going to bed). Ok, I think that covers some very basic adult type responsibilities that most people over the age of 20 (younger for some, older for others) can relate to. I think we can all agree the aforementioned are a pain in the Sitzfleisch. But to some degree ( or all of them ), we accept it as "it is what it is" and we dismally hear often, "welcome to adulthood". I read something today about how we work the majority of our lives, retirement is not until 67 (for social security benefits), and the average lif...