
Showing posts from March, 2009

Possibly Not Really Maybe

Just a few lines. "Write just a few lines everyday." Sometimes having the ability to write 'just a few lines' requires the same energy to do just 10 more sit ups when your stomach muscles are already screaming at you from the 30 the day before. My brain works in a similar fashion. I have done too many 'crunches' and it is tired at this point. It is easier to make up or rationalize a reason not to write [hence using my brain]-- then to just do a few lines. Is this laziness? Is this disassociation? Is this denial? Is this fair? I am not the only one working hard. You might be someone who is working hard too. Maybe your best friend, your spouse, your parent are also working their asses off- and possibly walking the thin and shaky line of sanity and 'lost my gottdam mind'... I am not gloating, boasting, whining, [well, a little on the latter]; or inducting myself into the Martyr of the Year Hall of Fame-- I guess I am just reminding myself that I am wor...