Mundane Monday

The first day of the work week meets me with the same ol' story. Chaotic freak-outs of employees and customers alike with fires burning- all looking for me to hold the fire hose. I don't want to put out fires, or hold any hose-- I want peace and quiet; not desperate cries of "help"- instead I need waterfall splashes and the unruffled carol of tropical birds infiltrating my eardrums as I adjust to a forgotten and now icy cup of coffee.

"Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays."

Thank you Office Space; for totally nailing exactly how I have felt since I first started working in offices 'oh so many years ago... I always wondered if Tuesday were the first day of the work week- would it then be:
"Sounds like someone has a case of the Tuesdays."?

I imagine so- as I think less that it has anything to do with the fact that it is "Monday"- but more that it is the first day of the week; no one wants to be at work, Jim didn't get enough golfing in over the weekend, Tom wanted to finish roofing the garage, and Mary has a hangover. Next thing you know, the alarm harasses you during your final 5 minutes of 'snooze' with an obnoxious warble that at any other moment in time, would be easily dismissed. But you know what that means- cold floors on warm bare feet, wrinkled clothes requesting a press, rushed coffee and toast out the door as rush hour traffic reminds us all no one learned anything in Driver's Ed. Then the entire fun concludes with grumpy co-workers, snide customers, jammed copiers, and cold coffee.

"Tuesday's child is full of grace."


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