Confusion say...(not unlike Confucius)

"Lemon-aide might not be made of lemons, but of different source. Proceed with caution."

I pause (again) to ask myself what my direction and intentions are in this life- or at least at this juncture. It feels like every day is challenging, overwhelming; feeling even more difficult than the day before it and the one before it.

You know that one day of the week where nothing goes right from beginning to end; starting with an overworked snooze button -waking twenty minutes past the point of a calm and pleasant morning schedule- leading to a mad rush out of the house following the quickest tooth brushing known to man- having breakfast in the form of a Twinkie chased down by a Pepsi- merely stopping long enough to assure that both shoes match- only finding out as you're looking down and pulling the door behind you that you have in fact just locked yourself out of the house, and out of your car-- not to mention that by the time a locksmith comes ("we can be there sometime between 20 minutes to 2 hours") you've missed most of the Monday meeting that you were in charge of- and as you sit down in the only available seat (--in the front row- where everyone notices that doing your hair wasn't a priority this morning and it appears to be channeling Cyndi Lauper circa 1983) oh!- and you are wearing one navy blue sock and one black- which is very clear by your pants that are an inch and half two short.

Ok... yeah- those days. Walk back to your car. Sob on the way home while listening to The Bangles, "just another manic Monday, wooooaaahhh, wish it was Sunday."- unlock your door, disrobe- curl into the fetal position- hold your wooby and cover your head with your pillow until night falls and eventually the sun rises again...

And generally speaking- the next day... not so bad. Thank gawd. Otherwise we'd all be nuts- or nuttier. So instead of being an Almond Joy everyday- most days we get to just be a Mounds bar. "Almond Joys got nuts- Mounds don't"... but I digress.

We take those bad days - we lick our wounds - we survive them- and hopefully we appreciate the days that are a little quieter, a little more monotonous, and a lot more mediocre. Some times we can even look to see what might have led to said day above- and see how to prevent some if not all of its incidents in the future-- but unfortunately, sometimes there is nothing we can do but go on. This too shall pass- I too shall go on.

"Some people say, 'when life gives you lemons; make lemon-aide.' I say, screw your lemon, hand me a lime and a let's do a shot of Tequila."

All you can do is grit your teeth, smile through the pain; and in the end be thankful that we are vertical, on the top soil, hitting the snooze button of the eternal sleep; as opposed to the alternative- and this pain we feel reminds us that we are alive... and being alive is better than not.

As a very beautiful and graceful woman [my great-grandmother] often said;
"Keep the shiny side up."


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