For Fred's Sake... Wait- I Meant Pete-Pete's Sake, Not Fred's.
Frick and Frack.
One of those days where the 180 doesn't kick in til its 8 hrs past the time I need it to. Its almost two. Big deal. The house is quiet- with the exception of my swift tick tick ticking as I type these random and definitely unmanaged thoughts out- the rather awkward humming of the ceiling fan as though it is overworked and underpaid and by its loudness I might recognize its diligence and may be give it a raise- the occasional skitter of the two new additions to our 'House of Wayward Pets'- Tammy the rat and 'Scampers' the rat (although the latter is just a nickname; she hasn't been officially named yet)- don't worry they are caged- and caged trained.
I pause to 'see' what else I can hear (isn't that funny?) and I can now make out the sounds of my lover taking deep, hard, and totally unconscious breaths out of his nose, which slightly resembles the sound of a hibernating bear. The youngest- a TV still runs- an old DVD, "Faerie Tales"- Shelly Duvall's love child. They are pretty funny-several [now] big name actors play ridiculous roles as they reenact the most commonly known fairy tale stories... I can't quite make out which one is on- but I'd assume by its length that it is 'The Princess Who Never Laughed'- which ended up being about an hour and 45 minutes WAY TOO LONG! Ellen Barkin is beautiful and Jaime Spears like in appearance- kind of weird, actually, the similarities...
The oldest must have fallen asleep as I no longer hear the sounds of his favorite CD spinning the same 6 familiar songs over and over again as he is lulled to sleep by the comforting sounds of punk rock n' roll... I love having cool kids- they're the best.
The house is quiet mostly- except for my head. It is like it has been unplugged for a month and now all these jobs that were sent to the printer are in the que just waiting for their turn to be inked, fused, and spit out for your visual and literal entertainment... I have had the most amazing ideas lately- none of which I can share on here in the event you got a wild hair up your apple and decided to try them out for yourselves!! Its been amazing. I love a working brain- its definitely worth the price of admission.
I need to lay my head-
Good night moon. Good night ceiling fan murmuring at night. Good night rats. Good night cat. Good night lover sawing logs in the other room. Good night daughter and fairy tale creatures. Good night sleeping fish-you are sleeping right?. Good night son and rock n' roll- may your dreams be bright, young and hopeful. Good night friend with the broken heart. Good night brain so big and so smart.
Here's wishing you a today of promise, and a tomorrow of hope.
"I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts There they are all standing in a row Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head Give them a twist a flick of the wrist That’s what the showman said" song by Danny Kaye- reference from "The Lion King"
One of those days where the 180 doesn't kick in til its 8 hrs past the time I need it to. Its almost two. Big deal. The house is quiet- with the exception of my swift tick tick ticking as I type these random and definitely unmanaged thoughts out- the rather awkward humming of the ceiling fan as though it is overworked and underpaid and by its loudness I might recognize its diligence and may be give it a raise- the occasional skitter of the two new additions to our 'House of Wayward Pets'- Tammy the rat and 'Scampers' the rat (although the latter is just a nickname; she hasn't been officially named yet)- don't worry they are caged- and caged trained.
I pause to 'see' what else I can hear (isn't that funny?) and I can now make out the sounds of my lover taking deep, hard, and totally unconscious breaths out of his nose, which slightly resembles the sound of a hibernating bear. The youngest- a TV still runs- an old DVD, "Faerie Tales"- Shelly Duvall's love child. They are pretty funny-several [now] big name actors play ridiculous roles as they reenact the most commonly known fairy tale stories... I can't quite make out which one is on- but I'd assume by its length that it is 'The Princess Who Never Laughed'- which ended up being about an hour and 45 minutes WAY TOO LONG! Ellen Barkin is beautiful and Jaime Spears like in appearance- kind of weird, actually, the similarities...
The oldest must have fallen asleep as I no longer hear the sounds of his favorite CD spinning the same 6 familiar songs over and over again as he is lulled to sleep by the comforting sounds of punk rock n' roll... I love having cool kids- they're the best.
The house is quiet mostly- except for my head. It is like it has been unplugged for a month and now all these jobs that were sent to the printer are in the que just waiting for their turn to be inked, fused, and spit out for your visual and literal entertainment... I have had the most amazing ideas lately- none of which I can share on here in the event you got a wild hair up your apple and decided to try them out for yourselves!! Its been amazing. I love a working brain- its definitely worth the price of admission.
I need to lay my head-
Good night moon. Good night ceiling fan murmuring at night. Good night rats. Good night cat. Good night lover sawing logs in the other room. Good night daughter and fairy tale creatures. Good night sleeping fish-you are sleeping right?. Good night son and rock n' roll- may your dreams be bright, young and hopeful. Good night friend with the broken heart. Good night brain so big and so smart.
Here's wishing you a today of promise, and a tomorrow of hope.
"I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts There they are all standing in a row Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head Give them a twist a flick of the wrist That’s what the showman said" song by Danny Kaye- reference from "The Lion King"
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