Simplicity Flakes

I mean tiny and perfect-as if the tiniest little hands took the tiniest pieces of paper and cut out the tiniest little snowflakes - held them in their tiny hands and blew - and they softly fell to earth just waiting to be seen by someone who took the time... someone to notice the simple things. Most of us spent the majority of the day complaining of the cold- as it was considerably frigid and quite bitter... but to notice and hold for a moment something so beautiful and intricate and unaffected-- it was amazing.
I tried sharing it with others. People who I thought could use a little glance at God's amazing attention to detail. Most thought I was crazy, (not all; one shared in it's wonder) others thought perhaps 'easily amused'... and maybe they are right. May be I am 'easily amused'- but I am thankful for that. I am thankful to find the beauty and wonder and grace of small and simple things- I am thankful that I am able to still appreciate those things when we are all so caught up in the rush of life, the stress of surviving, the 'need' for stimulation; often expecting it to come from the newest technology- instead of letters we send emails, instead of calling we send texts, instead of socializing at dances and concerts and functions, we have web sites...
We look at a sunrise and complain it's too bright; we look at the rain and complain that its wet; we get to our jobs and complain that we have to work... instead of being thankful for sight, warmth, growth, employment, and for living another day...
I saw in that snowflake- wonder, elegance, an immaculate and remarkably divine beauty; and yet it was tinier than a fly; barely noticed by most; melted and soon forgotten.
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