
Showing posts from January, 2009

Skin Itches

What's the use? I shall not exceed any one's expectations, or excel above you or they... whole life has been an 'average'... not drop dead gorgeous, not a genius, not a talented superstar, not an admirable athlete, not an undeniable funny man... just an average-pretty fairly-smart funny gal... B-O-R-I-N-G I was going to take up fencing for this entire reason. I don't know a single person who fences. How exciting would that be? and in conversations- imagine your surprise when you ask; "And what do you do in your spare time?"- I could then say, with total modesty and complete nonchalance; "Oh me? I fence. It's really no big deal; I just took it up for fun really; but I am going to France this summer for the championship. It's rather exciting." And then you would be like- "What? That is exciting. I don't know a single person who fences. You are unique." ... I guess that is what it boils down to. Being unique. Unlike an...

Bluebirds and Lollipops

- fresh fallen snow - perfectly brewed coffee - finding a close parking space - getting all green lights when running late - a fluffy comfy wooby - fuzzy kittens and cuddly puppies - fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and ice cold milk - a heads up penny - finding a childhood friend and falling back right where you left off - turning on the radio to hear your favorite song - a warm towel out of a steamy shower - a glance from your lover across the room - getting a high score on Yahtzee night - family fun night and mini-me cuddles - finding the perfect shoes... ON CLEARANCE - finding $5 in a coat pocket from last winter - a perfect lip gloss - hot cocoa with marshmallow... MARSHMALLOW CREAM - Saturday morning cartoons with a bowl of Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch - jeans day - fresh pad of notebook paper and a perfect pen - Cinnamon Bun Ben & Jerry's ice cream - handmade cards - the perfect pair of sunglasses - sleeping in on Sunday morning - breakfast for supper - homemade pie ...

Apology & Acceptance: Part I

"It takes a great deal of character strength to apologize quickly out of one's heart rather than out of pity. A person must possess himself and have a deep sense of security in fundamental principles and values in order to genuinely apologize." --Stephen R Covey "Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves- regret for the past and fear of the future." --Fulton Oursler Regretfully, this blog shall remain bones as I can not give it meat today. My brain is empty, a block sits on my neck- merely sitting pretty instead of being functional and useful... perhaps there is too much I am expecting out of it right now- after all, I only have two sides; a left and right... part of its usage requires general functionality- breathing, heart beating, blood running, eyes blinking, and other 'biologies'- and then work, school, future planning, friends, family, housework, etc... so I guess that there isn't enough free space available. Memory full. I apologize- p...

They Call Me Mellow Yellow...

... no blog tonight. I am sorry. Do not huff and puff- you can not blow my place in- I am too tired. I sleep now. You are the only one who reads this. Yeah, YOU ! Thank you, though, for caring enough to look. Perhaps you will not be disappointed Friday morning. Until then, good night you , good night moon.

Confusion say...(not unlike Confucius)

"Lemon-aide might not be made of lemons, but of different source. Proceed with caution." I pause ( again ) to ask myself what my direction and intentions are in this life- or at least at this juncture. It feels like every day is challenging, overwhelming; feeling even more difficult than the day before it and the one before it. You know that one day of the week where nothing goes right from beginning to end; starting with an overworked snooze button -waking twenty minutes past the point of a calm and pleasant morning schedule- leading to a mad rush out of the house following the quickest tooth brushing known to man- having breakfast in the form of a Twinkie chased down by a Pepsi- merely stopping long enough to assure that both shoes match- only finding out as you're looking down and pulling the door behind you that you have in fact just locked yourself out of the house, and out of your car-- not to mention that by the time a locksmith comes ("we can be there sometim...

For Fred's Sake... Wait- I Meant Pete-Pete's Sake, Not Fred's.

Frick and Frack. One of those days where the 180 doesn't kick in til its 8 hrs past the time I need it to. Its almost two. Big deal. The house is quiet- with the exception of my swift tick tick ticking as I type these random and definitely unmanaged thoughts out- the rather awkward humming of the ceiling fan as though it is overworked and underpaid and by its loudness I might recognize its diligence and may be give it a raise- the occasional skitter of the two new additions to our 'House of Wayward Pets'- Tammy the rat and 'Scampers' the rat (although the latter is just a nickname; she hasn't been officially named yet)- don't worry they are caged- and caged trained. I pause to ' see ' what else I can hear ( isn't that funny? ) and I can now make out the sounds of my lover taking deep, hard, and totally unconscious breaths out of his nose, which slightly resembles the sound of a hibernating bear. The youngest- a TV still runs- an old DVD, "...

Simplicity Flakes

Today, while freezing my can off outside- I glanced to my left where two large boxes stood soggy and covered by the freshly fallen snow. What caught my eye was the most amazing thing! Amongst all the little pellets of snow, were the teeny tiniest perfectly shaped 6 point snowflakes. I mean tiny and perfect-as if the tiniest little hands took the tiniest pieces of paper and cut out the tiniest little snowflakes - held them in their tiny hands and blew - and they softly fell to earth just waiting to be seen by someone who took the time... someone to notice the simple things. Most of us spent the majority of the day complaining of the cold- as it was considerably frigid and quite bitter... but to notice and hold for a moment something so beautiful and intricate and unaffected-- it was amazing. I tried sharing it with others. People who I thought could use a little glance at God's amazing attention to detail. Most thought I was crazy, (not all; one shared in it's wonder) others th...

I should name this Cuervo Patron.

... tequila in itself is a dangerous elixir . A drink. A. Not a- heavy on the aaaaayyyy . A. More like uh. A. Or Ahh . A drink. Never happens. Elixir . Spirit. Devil's Juice. Yummy beverage. It doesn't happen. One. A. Ah. Uh. Why? Because it loosens your shoulders. A tingling numbing sensation encompasses the upper half of your body. Really, in the beginning it skips your head- that comes later. Weird how that works- but that's how it is. Shoulders into elbows into forearms into wrists into hands and finally fingertips... If it reaches below any of this, you may be in trouble and my best suggestion is water and heavy doses of Ibruprofren and or Tylenol type items... maybe even 'punch the punching bag' as my loveliest would say, and has done. ...but that initial shoulder relaxation is what we strive for by having A drink. A weight off our shoulders so to speak- life releases its anxieties with each sip of Vermouth or shot of Tequila. We can physically watch a wee...

Mundane Monday

The first day of the work week meets me with the same ol' story. Chaotic freak-outs of employees and customers alike with fires burning- all looking for me to hold the fire hose. I don't want to put out fires, or hold any hose-- I want peace and quiet; not desperate cries of "help"- instead I need waterfall splashes and the unruffled carol of tropical birds infiltrating my eardrums as I adjust to a forgotten and now icy cup of coffee. "Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays." Thank you Office Space ; for totally nailing exactly how I have felt since I first started working in offices 'oh so many years ago... I always wondered if Tuesday were the first day of the work week- would it then be: "Sounds like someone has a case of the Tuesdays." ? I imagine so- as I think less that it has anything to do with the fact that it is " Monday "- but more that it is the first day of the week; no one wants to be at work, Jim didn't get ...